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We help working adults struggling with low energy, brain fog, and poor mood feel their best and transform them into people who feel empowered and capable to go after their dreams.

Certified Functional Medicine Specialist 

Fitness, nutrition, & holistic health coach


What We Offer⬇️

Functional Health Coaching

Dr. Theodora will help guide you through a process to help you regain your energy, mood, cognition, and so much more! It takes time to create lasting change. Because of this, we recommend working together for 6 months, or possibly more. Dr. Theodora uses her knowledge as a pharmacist, personal trainer, nutrition coach and functional medicine specialist to recommend the most impactful changes for you right now. With regular and open communication throughout this process, appropriate modifications can be made in real time to help you avoid common pitfalls to success. We want to see you succeed and view this as an investment in each other! 

Click on "Book a service" to get started! 

Holistic Health & Fitness Retreats

Do you enjoy fitness, nature, traveling, inner work, photo shoots, and connecting with people in person? If so, I'd like to hear from you! I'd like to create a holistic health and fitness retreat for us to experience together in the next year or two. Please email me if you would be interested in attending such an event and also your input on places you'd love to travel, things you'd like to experience, or other ideas you might have for such a retreat: Stay tuned for more! 

Does this sound like you?

➡️Feeling low in energy?

➡️Feeling depressed, stressed, anxious, or irritable?

➡️Brain fog? Trouble remembering things, trouble paying attention, difficulty shifting tasks, or other decline in cognitive abilities?

➡️Other symptoms that are unexplained by your Dr.?

Did you know our brains use more energy than any other organ? For the average adult in a resting state, the brain consumes about 20% of our body's energy. 

The brain enjoys balanced meals which provide adequate amounts of protein, HEALTHY FATS, carbs, and micronutrients. The brain enjoys plenty of water. The brain enjoys adequate rest and good sleep quality. The brain enjoys learning new things. The brain enjoys feeling connected to the rest of the body and the feeling of movement/exercise. The brain enjoys interacting with other people.

When we give our brains what it needs and enjoys, then we are more likely to feel energetic, relaxed, and clear-headed. We are in a better state to create a better life for ourselves. 

The OMEN Wellness Journey

Optimize your health through functional medicine labs and holistic health coaching. This could include individualized supplement recommendations based on your labs as well as a fitness plan, nutrition targets, other lifestyle habits, and education regarding various topics (i.e. gut health, brain health, epigenetics, toxins, etc).

Mindset work. Goal setting. Assigned reading or watching of personal development content & discussion in our private Facebook group. Accountability.

Evolve into the best feeling version of you by continually learning new things, applying what you learned, reflecting on the outcome, and repeating the process.

New things create new neural pathways in your brain, which is important for cognition. Exposure to "The New Factor" such as new ideas, experiences, and people, are key to keeping your brain sharp and creating a life you can be content with. 

Starry Sky

How functional medicine can change your life ⬇️


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