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Gut Instinct

It's not just enough to consume the minerals and nutrients needed. We also need to make sure our gut is in good order so that we can absorb and utilize these precious nutrtients! Furthermore, good gut health is essential in making sure we are able to eliminate toxins and it also plays a big role with our hormones. If you are still having symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, pain, irregular periods or other unexplained symptoms, consider getting a stool test and learning more about how you can improve your gut health. Through nutrition, gut health, and other lifestyle changes we can get your body's innate ability to heal back on board. Your body is smart! It's time to reconnect with it and give it what it needs so it can help you heal whatever is going on. 

Why the OMEN Wellness Journey spends so much time on helping you create solid nutrition and

gut health foundations

We greatly increase our odds at success at restoring organ function when we get the nutrients we need in the right balance and we are able to absorb and utilize the nutrients. In other words, when our organs function like they are supposed to, then our symptoms go away and simply put our organs need nutrients in order to function! There are many reasons why we may not be absorbing or utilizing nutrients adequately- and very often the answer is in our gut!


Here are some common gut culprits:

  • Low stomach acid or you're taking antacids

  • Chronic diarrhea or excess use of laxatives

  • Gut inflammation, food intolerances and leaky gut

  • Excessive 

  • Low pancreatic enzymes

  • Chronic stress or underlying trauma

  • Poor sleep habits 

  • Inadequate chewing or eating too fast

  • Drinking a lot of liquids mid-meal

  • Many medications like antibiotics and pain meds

  • A history of food poisoning 

  • Pathogens (bacteria, virus, yeast, mold, fungus, parasite)

Learn more about gut health

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