
About Omen Wellness
What is our mission?
Our mission is to provide services that help people identify, obtain, and understand functional medicine lab test results in an effort to optimize their health through holistic measures, such as mindset work, nutrition, resistance training and other lifestyle changes, and personalized high-quality supplementation.
What is our vision?
Our vision for the people we serve is that they are able to rise above their circumstances and self-limiting beliefs, to create and enjoy a fulfilling life in which they will continue to learn, grow, and evolve into the best-feeling version of themselves always.
What do we offer?
Our programs are centered around improving metabolic, gut, brain, epigenetic, and hormone health so that you can feel better mentally and energetically and start enjoying life. Omen Wellness programs are a hybrid of community teachings and one-on-one support. The Good Omens community and the private coaching sessions will be a safe space for you be heard and seen. Everyone in the group is ultimately here for the same purpose —because they want to feel better and to be able to enjoy life. If group programs are not for you, you can opt out of them and choose one-on-one coaching. If you are not sure which is right for you, please schedule a free call to find out.
The programs/services are designed in phases in a particular order. In phase 1, we will address mineral imbalances and put into place good nutrition habits. In phase 2, we will test and focus on your gut health to make sure that the changes we made in phase 1 are not in vain. In phase 3, we will do some genetic testing and figure out how you can biohack your health in the most individualized way possible. Finally, in phase 4 we will do some hormone testing. Be patient with each phase that you are in because you cannot fix all of your problems at once anyway. It takes time to implement healthy habits and consistency for them to take effect. Additional testing is available and may be recommended along the way.

What does the
OMEN stand for?
Optimize health
Mindset work
Evolve into the best you
"New factor" approach
What does the
Omen Wellness
symbol represent?
A crystal ball, an eyeball, a flame... Why? Because it's your choice... are you going to be aware of what is going on with your health and take proactive measures? Or are you going to ignore your health until something catches fire and now you have something serious to deal with?

"Symptoms are like omens... good omens if they cause you to be proactive with your health... bad omens if you constantly ignore them and allow something serious to develop."
Dr. Theodora Precup
The OW Process
Phase 1: Nutrition focused. Let's get the basics down for your body.
Phase 2: Gut health centered. Let's make sure you can absorb the nutrients.
Phase 3: Biohack your genetics. Epigenetic testing.
Phase 4: Check your hormones with the DUTCH test.
About Me.
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Phase 1:
Nutrition is the foundation of your health
Minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process.
Inadequate amounts affect your energy levels, mental health, metabolism, and can even causes diseases like anemia and osteoporosis.
I can check your mineral levels with a simple hair test called the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis:
Can be better than blood tests in catching some metabolic disturbances early​.
Can show you the past 3 month average of what you've been consuming (vs. bloodwork only shows you a moment in time).
Is the test the EPA recommends for the detection of heavy metals in the body.
Can detect mineral deficiencies, surpluses, and imbalances.​​